Top 5 things hurting your website sales (and how to fix them)

Top 5 things hurting your website sales (and how to fix them) post thumbnail image

Is your website silently sabotaging your sales? Discover the crucial mistakes that could be crippling your online business in our latest episode of the e-commerce made easy podcast. From slow pages to clear call to actions, I will give you actionable steps to turn things around and maximize your online sales!

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The top five crucial mistakes that can be impacting your website.
  • What these mistakes can look like and actionable steps to remedy them.
  • Tools and resources to help you measure your website’s performance & identify places that need work.
  • And more!

Mentioned Resources

-> Tools to Measure Your Site’s Performance

Google Page Speed Insights
Web Page Speed Test

-> Optimize your Website Images

Episode 22: The Power of Image Optimization
Downloadable Banner Optimization Guide

-> How to View your Mobile Website on Your Computer


  1. Open up Firefox and go to your desired website. In the upper right-hand corner, click the three-line hamburger menu and go to “More tools” -> “Web Developer Tools.”
  2. Once in Web Developer Tools, go to the right-hand corner of the pop-up window and click the device icon to enter “Responsive Design Mode.”
  3. Once in, you will be able to see your site in mobile view and also choose which device to view it on.

Google Chrome:

  1. Open up Google Chrome and go to your desired website. In the upper right-hand corner, click the three-dot hamburger menu and go to “More Tools” -> “Developer Tools.”
  2. Once in Developer Tools, go to the left-hand side of the pop-up window and click the device icon to enter the “Toggle Device Toolbar.”
  3. Once in you will be able to see your site in mobile view and also choose which device to view it on.

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